We have first-hand experience of what it’s like to live and study in a school abroad. Our wealth of knowledge and experience, combined with links to foreign universities, enable us do our jobs more effectively with competence.

We facilitate the process of gaining genuine admissions into foreign universities for those who choose to further their education and Study Overseas. We do realize that a good number of people desire a foreign education, but are either not aware of the opportunities that exist or don’t know how to take advantage of those opportunities when they find one. Our objective here is to close the gap between prospective students and quality education abroad; we make Studying Abroad easier for those who are ready.

 How we work

We individually assess each student’s needs combined with our knowledge of available programs, admissions requirements and living conditions in a number of universities abroad in order to recommend a country and university that matches their preferences. We guide them through every step, from the admission, to the visa process, to travelling arrangements, and arriving & finally settling down legally abroad.


Colleges and universities around the world have been rapidly expanding their study abroad programs, which mean it’s only a matter of time before you’re inundated with study abroad posters and information sessions on your campus. While studying abroad has become a virtual rite of passage in the university system, it’s natural to feel some hesitation.

However, the sooner you start thinking about studying abroad, the more prepared you’ll be when application deadlines come around. If you’re not quite sure whether study abroad is right for you — or you need to convince your family — check out these top 10 reasons why you should study abroad.

1.  To Add Some Spice to Your Life

If you’re getting sick of the same old same old, study abroad is the perfect way to get out of the doldrums. When you start to get bored with typical college life, this is a great way to inject some energy and excitement into your life. See new things, meet new people, and settle into a new routine. Studying abroad could be just the change you need!

2. Because It Will Never Be Easier to Travel than Now

Study abroad will probably be the only time in your life that you’ll get to travel, take courses in another country, and meet other international students your age. Plus, if you study abroad with a provider, most of your itinerary will be planned for!

3. To Meet New People and Make New Friends

Many students hesitate to study abroad because they’re worried about missing their friends or family at home. Between Skype, Instagram, Facebook, and FaceTime, there are more than enough ways to stay in touch overseas. Your friends will still be there when you return home, but you only have this one chance to make new friends abroad.

Study abroad is an incredible opportunity to meet other like-minded students in your program, as well as local people — from host families, to fellow students, to new friends you meet in the streets.

4. To Travel Someplace New

If you’ve always dreamed of traveling somewhere, be it Paris or a rural area in Ghana, why not study abroad there? Sure, you’ll be focused on your studies, but most programs give you the weekend off and even schedule longer trips for the group.

Study abroad allows you to see a lot of new places and also spend a lot of time immersing yourself in one place. It will be hard to come by an opportunity like this again, so take advantage of it and travel the world as a student!

5. To Gain a New Perspective

Studying abroad provides you with the opportunity to gain a different perspective, not only on academic subjects but also the way of life. Whether you adjust to afternoon siestas in Spain or learn about holistic medicine in India, study abroad lets you look at yourself, your world, and your studies from a different perspective.

Challenging your boundaries and your worldview are a natural extension of longterm traveling and living abroad. Be sure to make time to visit as many neighboring cities and countries as possible while studying abroad; this will help you round out your perspectives and dive deeper into regional cultures.

6. To Further Your Studies

It is called study abroad, after all. One of the best reasons to study abroad is to further your academic studies in an incredible, immersive way. If you’re an African Studies major, go to Kenya and put the theories you learned in the classroom into practice. Or if you’re writing your art history thesis on the Renaissance, get some hands-on research experience studying in Italy.

Of course, study abroad is an incredible time to pursue academic interests completely outside of your major. Whether you want to focus on your major, or try something new, study abroad is the perfect opportunity to do so.

7. To Give You a Competitive Edge

This should never, ever be the only reason you study abroad, but if you (or your family) are on the fence, it is an important consideration. Studying abroad sets you ahead of your peers in the eyes of graduate schools and employers. It highlights your sense of adventure, independence, cultural sensitivity, and worldliness. When you return, make sure to update your resume to highlight your study abroad experience.

8. To Learn Another Language

Whether you’ve been studying a foreign language for years or are starting from scratch, studying abroad provides a convenient, immersive environment for language learning. You just can’t beat the immersion of a study abroad program for learning a new language. If you’re studying abroad primarily to learn a foreign language, you can always attend a language school to get the most out of studying a language abroad.

9. Because Everyone Should Experience Another Culture at Least Once

In an increasingly globalized society, it’s important to understand and experience other cultures. Learn new recipes, new ways of learning, new ways of getting around, new customs, traditions, and ways of relating to people. There’s no better way to learn about how people around the world are similar and different than to immerse yourself in another culture, and study abroad is a great place to start.

10. To Challenge Yourself and Grow as a Person

One of the best things about studying abroad — even if it’s also one of the most daunting components — is pushing your boundaries and challenging yourself. It’s ultimately a good thing to push your comfort zone, because as you adapt, you’ll gain invaluable life skills and change and grow as a person in ways you couldn’t if you stayed at home.

This is really what studying abroad is all about: doing something exciting but a little bit scary, experiencing the downs with the ups, and coming through a stronger, more confident, and more culturally-aware person.


Where to study

Choosing the right course, country and university can be an extremely daunting prospect for any international student looking to study abroad. Here at PLA our experts are here to help you out every step of the way.

Select from the list of countries below to discover more about the various courses and study options on offer.

  • Study In The UK

Each academic year students from all over the world come to study in the UK in the hope of achieving a qualification from an internationally recognised institution.

With prestigious universities, widely accredited English language courses and a reputation for excellence in research, studying in the UK appeals to international students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

  • Study in the USA

When it comes to higher education, the USA can certainly count itself as being a world leader. You can choose to study at a community college for two years and then transfer to a university, or enrol directly on to a four year course at your chosen university. The USA has the world’s largest international student population – we know that there’s something for everyone here. If you’re interested in studying in the USA, get started by selecting from one of the study options below. Or get in touch for expert advice and support with your application by emailing one of our Education Consultants

  • Study in Canada

Canada is much more than being a North American alternative to studying in the USA. In fact, Canada is a truly multicultural nation. With around 20 Canadian universities featuring in the top 200 of QS World University Rankings, we know that studying in Canada is an option no international student should overlook too quickly.

  • Study in Australia

For any international students looking to study in the Southern Hemisphere, studying in Australia could be a fantastic opportunity for you. With over 22,000 courses in 1,100 institutions across Australia’s major towns and cities, you can certainly take your pick at the type of course you wish to study in this beautiful country. It’s not just a world-class education that’s on offer in Australia, but a lifestyle and culture that certainly matches it.

  • Study in Spain

Spain has become one of the top study abroad destinations in the world. Students are drawn to study abroad in Spain for its unique culture, rich history, and famous nightlife. Many students choose to study abroad in Spain in order to learn Spanish, and the country’s proximity to the rest of Europe doesn’t hurt! Spanish is spoken by over 400 million speakers in 21 different countries – and it all had to start somewhere! Join the ranks of Cortez, Ponce de Leon, and Pizarro and become a modern day Spanish explorer—bounce from museums to cathedrals to castles to the tune of a flamenco guitar as you are bedazzled by this country’s diversity

  • Study in Hungary

Hungary, once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire became a member of the European Union in May 2004. The country is landlocked in Eastern Europe and borders with Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Ukraine, Slovakia and Austria. Hungary was shaped as a result of German rule and Soviet occupation, evidently leaving their influences historically and culturally throughout the country, added alongside other conqueror’s marks left throughout the ages.

Above the capital of Budapest, on the hilltop sits the historic Buda Castle, surrounded by various buildings and houses shaped architecturally throughout time. Taking a walk through the cobble stone streets, leads one to the Citadella, the historic fortress, encircled by walls and exposing an incredible view of Budapest.

Hills and forests in Hungary make for amazing sceneries, regardless of the cold winters and hot summers. Hungary is truly a beautiful country, full of diverse culture, traditions, amazing architecture and a vibrant lifestyle, offering many options for any visitor. On a typical lazy day one can sit by the Danube River in a cafe, or enjoy a serving of the paprika spiced Goulash that makes Hungary’s most popular dish in one of the many restaurants.

  • Study in Tunisia

Tunisia is the northernmost country in Africa and shares borders with Algeria, Libya, and the Mediterranean Sea. Its culture uniquely embraces Arab, African, and European influences and provides for a provocative study abroad in Tunisia experience.

The vast Saharan dunes of Tunisia provide a backdrop for many of its cities and villages which brim with domed buildings, tall archways, and bustling squares. As you explore Tunisia, you’ll notice that the cozy blends with the expansive as narrow streetways widen into expansive squares and quaint stacked homes abut massive buildings. The country’s intriguing environments blend with its fantastic sights—El Djem Amphitheatre, the Grand Erg Oriental, and the village Sidi Bou Said, for example—to allow for a unique stay abroad.